Rancho Santa Fe Professional Firefighters
IAFF Local 4349

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Zack's Focaccia Bread (Thick Pizza Crust)
Aug 24, 2019

For those that have had the privilage of eating Zack Smith's (AMR Station 2) Focaccia Bread, here's the recipe.  This also works great as a thick pan pizza crust if you use a cast iron skillet.


5 cups of all purpose flour

1 Tbsp salt

1 Tbsp sugar

1 or 2 packet of bread yeast (Any kind of yeast - 2 pkgs if you want a high rise)

1 3/4 cups warm - pretty warm water

1/2 cup olive oil

2 Tsp garlic powder

1 Tbsp Italian Seasoning 


Get the tap water warm and fill your measuring cup with 1 3/4 hot water.  Stir in the sugar and disolve.  Add the yeast pack, quick stir, and watch the magic.  Meanwhile, place the 5 cups of four in a large bowl, add the salt, and spices.  Add the olive oil and yeast water.  Kneed the dough for 10 min with your hands (OR) 1/2 the recipe from the start and use the Ninja with the dough blade for 1-2 minutes.  Once the dough is well mixed, transfer to an slightly oiled bowl, cover loosly with plastic wrap and let sit for 1 1/2 hours.  Prepare a large cookie sheet with tall side with a good amount of olive oil.  You can't be stingy on this part. Pool that liquid gold on there.  Now take the dough and, using your fingers, push the dough to the edges of the pan.  Using your fingers, make many dimples all throughout it.  Cover again and let it rise 1 hour at least.  Up to like 3 hours if needed to high rise.  Drop some more olive oil accross the top and a sprinkle of salt.  Bake in a 400 degrees for about 15 minutes - but watch it.  When the top browns, check the crust underneath for done-ness.

IAFF Local 4349
PO Box 410
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067

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